Tuesday, August 30, 2011

“There are a hundred ways to stalk”

Jewish date:  30 ’Av 5771 (Parashath Shofeṭim).

Today’s events:  National Marshmallow Toasting Day/National Toasted Marshmallow Day, Frankenstein Day.


Today’s weird thing is “There are a hundred ways to stalk”:
funny pictures of cats with captions
And if that does not tickle your funny bone, see the Ominous Visitor Shower CurtainThe Star Trek Cookbook, and the Knife Fridge Magnet.  Enjoy and share the weirdness.


Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Beware of genetic engineering gone horribly wrong

Jewish date:  23 ’Av 5771 (Parashath Re’eh).

Today’s events:  Ride the Wind Day, International Day for the Remembrance of the Slave Trade and Its Abolition.


Today’s weird thing is something truly disturbing:  “Breakfast at Ginger's- golden retriever dog eats with hands”:

Notice the advanced level of breeding and genetic engineering that must have gone into creating this creature.  Clearly this beast is meant as a prototype for an evil all-dog army meant to conquer the Earth.  We must all stand opposed to this.  Please take this opportunity to write to your local politicians to put a stop to this.  Be worried and share the weirdness!


Sunday, August 14, 2011

“Chemistry Exam Answers”

Jewish date:  14 ’Av 5771 (Parashath ‘Eqev).

Today’s event:  National Creamsicle Day.

Worthy cause of the day:  “Jewish Rights on the Temple Mount”.  Please sign and tell the government of Israel that Jewish civil rights matter.  Thank you.


Today’s weird thing is “Chemistry Exam Answers”.  The answers given may be legendary, but they are still fun reading.  Enjoy and share the weirdness.


Thursday, August 11, 2011

“The King’s Camelopardus”

Jewish date:  11 ’Av 5771 (Parashath Wa’Ethḥannan).

Today’s events:  Presidential Joke Day, Son and Daughter Day.


Today’s weird thing is “The King's Camelopardus”, a film more important in the history of film than Citizen Kane, It’s a Wonderful Life, or even Avatar.  You’ll cry as you feel the pathos and the existential drama of life.  Meg Ryan may win an Oscar for a performance unlike any other in her already outstanding career.  You may feel the urge to see this film again and again, it is that good.  You’ll be glued to your seat with anticipation.  You won’t believe the surprise this movie has in store for you.  If you want to make any film on the Internet go viral, it will be this one.  You would never know this is Jonathan Tuttle’s first film.  He takes a simple idea and masterfully uses it to keep the viewers’ attention and interest.  This movie may change the way you look at movies.  You want to stop reading this description and watch the film RIGHT NOW.  Trust me.

Enjoy and share the weirdness.
