Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Beware of Basement Cat


Jewish date:  19 ’Elul 5769.

Today’s holidays:  Birth of Mary, Nativity of the Theotokos, Feast Day of Robertus de Fluctibus.

Today’s quasi-holidays:  International Literacy Day, World Rabies Day, Star Trek Day.

Worthy cause of the day:  Give blood.  I did yesterday.  It is not fun, but we are not producing blood in laboratories from stem cells yet.  Consider it a way to be a hero without having to run into a burning building.

Relevant to Divine Misconceptions:
  1. The Flagellum Unspun” by biologist Kenneth R. Miller.  This is a demolition of the creationist (“intelligent design”) idea of irreducible complexity, which turns out to be not so irreducible as creationists would like to have us believe.
  2. My own religion, Judaism, like every other has its own share of people with a poor grip on reality.  And I do not enjoy talking about such people, even though it is necessary at times.  Both Rabbi Yakov Horowitz and Rabbi Steven Pruzansky have some negative commentary on the current Ḥaredhi rioting and incivility occurring in Jerusalem and what has gone horribly wrong.
  3. See today’s weird thing, which is a form of religious humor.
Today’s news and commentary:
Today’s weird thing is “BASEMENT CAT VS JESUS”:
And still I have no idea why black cats are associated with evil.  Enjoy and share the weirdness.


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