Sunday, June 25, 2006

29 Siwan 5766 * 25 June 2006: Log Cabin Day


Today’s weird thing is a passage from the Talmudh Bavli. I’m currently working on Shabbath 152b, and it says:

“It was taught: Rabbi ’Eli‘ezer says: The soul of the righteous are stored away under the Seat of Glory [God’s throne], as is said: And the soul of my master will be bound up in the bundle of life [with YHWH your god] (Samuel 1·25:29). And those of the wicked are tied up and go, and one angel stands at the end of the world, and another angel stands at the [other] end of the world, and they slingshot their soul one to the other, as is said: And the soul of your enemies will He/She slingshot from the ‘palm’ of the slingshot [the part of the slingshot which holds the projectile] (same verse).”

So if you’re wondering what Hell is, according to Rabbi ’Eli‘ezer it’s being used as a projectile in angel sports.

Go figure.


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