Sunday, September 5, 2010

May the Force be with Chew


Jewish date:  26 ’Elul 5770 (Parashath Ha’azinu).

Today’s quasi-holiday:  Be Late For Something Day.

Today’s (two-week backlog of) news and commentary:
Original Winnie the Pooh stuffed toys. Clockwi...Image via Wikipedia of the original stuffed animals which inspired one of the things which inspired Wookiee the Chew
Today’s weird thing (if Klingon Shakespeare was not enough for you) is “Chewbacca Illustrated as Winnie-the-Pooh”, describing the book Wookiee The Chew - The House at Chew Corner, with further illustrations at James Hance - Relentlessly Cheerful Art.  No description your humble blogger can give will truly do justice to this, so just click on the links and see this for yourself.  Enjoy, share the weirdness, and may the Force be with you.  Oh, and someone send me a copy of the book, please.

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