Sunday, October 31, 2010

Beware of car-eating rabbits


Jewish date:  23 Marḥeshwan 5771 (Parashath Toledhoth).

Today’s quasi-holiday:  Halloween.

I would like to apologize for having not posted anything for about three weeks.  This is has been due to two factors:  1) I have had a respiratory infection, which is not conducive to getting much of anything done.  2) I have been working on a review of Robert Graves’s The White Goddess, which is a decidedly nontrivial book.  Having reached a stage where the review is more or less presentable, I present it without further adieu on Divine Misconceptions and resume posting here, too.

Today’s news and commentary:
Denver International AirportImage which Zemanta thought was relevant via Wikipedia
Today’s weird thing is “Car-Eating Rabbits Invade Denver Airport”.  I cannot make up something like this.  Really.  Enjoy and share the weirdness.

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