Friday, September 30, 2005

26 'Elul 5765/29 September 2005: “'Oy Vey' Traffic Sign Goes Up in Brooklyn”


Various desktop-cluttering news:Finally, today’s weird thing is “'Oy Vey' Traffic Sign Goes Up in Brooklyn”. Enjoy, Shabbath shalom, and may you be written and sealed in the book of life for a good year.



Anonymous said...

Are you suggesting 0.04 deaths and 0.23 woundings per act of terrorism is pathetic?

Rupert Hippo said...

Yes. That's not particularly efficient. Those rates mean about 3/4 of the time Stateless Arab terrorism doesn’t hurt anybody at all. If you're trying to make people fear you, it pays to be good at killing and wounding people. Considering that Israel has the upper hand militarily and goes after perpetrators of terror with impunity, I’d say the Stateless Arabs are doing a pathetic job, especially since their strategy is not to fight this jihad on their own like real men (regardless of the fact that they’d be decimated) but rather is mostly ruining their own lives and complaining to the UN that Israel is a big meanie.

Anonymous said...

Maybe they might do better if they encouraged Israelis to smoke.