Sunday, December 2, 2007

22 Kislew 5768: International Day for the Abolition of Slavery/1st Advent


Note: Hanukkah starts Tuesday night!

Today’s news and commentary, some of which Barry is responsible for:Today’s weird thing is something amusing from Emily’s collection, included below. Enjoy and share the weirdness.


If I Died

A wife asks her husband,

—Honey, if I died, would you remarry?

—After a considerable period of grieving, I guess I would. We all need companionship.

—If I died and you remarried, would she live in this house?

—We’ve spent a lot of money getting this house just the way we want it. I’m not going to get rid of my house. I guess she would.

—If I died and you remarried, and she lived in this house, would she sleep in our bed?

—Well, the bed is brand new, and it cost us $2,000. It’s going to last a long time, so I guess she would.

—If I died and you remarried, and she lived in this house and slept in our bed, would she use my golf clubs?

—Oh, no,—the husband replies—She’s left-handed.

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