Tuesday, May 8, 2012

’Efrayim Street

Jewish date:  16 ’Iyyar 5772 (Parashath Behar).

Today’s events:  World Red Cross & Red Crescent Day, No Socks Day.


For you today in my series on the streets of Giv‘ath Shemu’el, I report on ’Efrayim Street.

I am not sure what to make of this.

Everyone has heard of clay pigeons.  ’Efrayim Street boasts a colony of them.  In Israel, clay pigeons may not be flung into the air and shot for sport.  Notice this one is very happy to belong to a legally protected species.

This one watched too many Kool-Aid commercials and decided it would be fun to burst through a wall.

Please notice the eggs.  Clay pigeons do not build nests, but lay their eggs on the tops of walls, holding them in place with bubble gum.  For the most part, potential predators would rather avoid dealing with anything touched by the gum.

Enjoy and share the weirdness.


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