Tuesday, November 29, 2005

27 Marheshwan 5766/29 November 2005: Square Dance Day


Barry and I have been batting around an idea for an exercise in group micro-fan-fiction recently, and we believe we have it to a stage where we can unleash it on the World. Therefore, allow me to present

The Weird Thing of the Day Dune Fantastic Religion Contest

In the universe of the Dune novels, there are a large number of fantastic (in the sense of fantasy) religions, many of which joined together in creating the mother of all syncretisms, the Orange Catholic Bible. From the information given in the Wikipedia article on the Orange Catholic Bible, one has to wonder what sort of religions did not make the cut. Your task, should you choose to accept it, is to invent such religions.

  1. Every entry must consist of a fantastic religion that does not exist in the Dune universe but which ought to be in there. Fantastic religions may be 1) syncretisms of pre-existing religions, 2) derivatives of pre-existing religions which are taken in interesting directions, or 3) something more or less original.

    Examples of Dune syncretisms: The Buddislamic Christian Church of Sikun, The Hasidic Lutheran Dynasty, Tenri Kyo Science in the Galaxy.

    Examples of Dune derivative religions: The Calvinistic Genetical Determinant Elect Body, Incorporated; The Jesuitical Evolutionist Church of Chardin; Tenth-Day Adventist Church of Rapide.

    Examples of Dune original religions: Belt Hypostatical Program, The Ray Space Worshippers, The Universal Pantheist Religion.

  2. There is no limit on the number or type of religions or ideologies that may be packed together into a syncretism.

    Examples of extreme syncretism: The Mormon Sikh Rastafarian Masonic Temple, The Raëlian Urantislamic Order, Zenshinto Satanic Church of Subgenius.

    Examples of syncretism with non-religious ideologies: The First Church of Lenin, Philosopher; The Anabaptist Humanist Church; The Church of the Twelve Steps.

  3. The source religions may be as general or specific as one likes.

    Example for extreme generality for a potential source religion: Theism.

    Example for extreme specificity for a potential source religion: Scientific-Rationalist, Vilna Ga’on rite, Orthodox Pharisaic Judaism with inclinations towards transcendent monotheism, resumption of animal sacrifice sooner rather than later, and rejection of practices with possible origin in demon-worship.

  4. Any and all real religions and other ideologies, whether currently practiced, extinct, or parodies (e.g., The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster), are not eligible, so please do not submit Sikhism on the basis that it is essentially Hindo-Islam. However, you may syncretize or create derivatives of canonical Dune religions if you wish (e.g., Reform Zensunnism, which permits worship of earthworms).

  5. Uncreative variations, such as The Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of Alpha Centauri, and downright derogatory entries, such as The Society for the Worship of Aaron’s Moronic Blog, have no chance of winning. The point of this contest is creative fun, not mindless repetition or senseless cruelty.

  6. Optionally, you may include a brief summary of your fantastic religion.

    Example summary:
    Elvislamic Jihad
    Declaration of faith: “There is no god but Allah, and the King is His prophet.”
    Rites: Elvis impersonation.
    Liturgy: The music of Elvis Presley, especially his religious songs.
    Practices: Pilgrimage to Graceland, making holy war by use of music.
    Ultimate goal: To obliterate all “un-Elvislamic” forms of music and bring the entire music industry under the control of the Dar al-Elvislam and its leader, the Sheikh al-Elvislam.
    Scriptural quote: King of Kings 9:22-23: There may come unto you those who do not see the wisdom of the King. And thou shalt say verily unto them, “You ain’t nothing but a hound-dog”.

    Summaries are recommended when the source religions/ideologies are obscure and for totally original religions.

  7. Fantastic parody religions are permitted.

  8. All entries must be received via E-mail before the first day of Hanukkah (sundown, 25 December 2005). Entries received as comments on the blog will not be accepted. In the event of too many entries to handle, the judges may end acceptance of entries earlier.

  9. There will be no limit on the number of entries anyone may make, though it should be noted that a few good entries will be appreciated a lot more than zillions of bad ones.

  10. Aaron and anyone he decides and convinces to join his Judging Committee will announce a winner on the last day of Hanukkah (2 January 2006). Judges, of course, are not eligible to enter this contest.

  11. The winner shall get to choose (within reason) the weird thing of the day for a week.
Judging criteria:
  1. Humor: Humorous entries will be appreciated more than non-humorous ones. Extra points if one or more judges end up rolling on the floor laughing.

  2. Paradox: Paradoxical entries, especially deeply paradoxical ones, will be appreciated more than non-paradoxical ones.

  3. Insight: Entries which display insight into what the religions/ideologies being syncretized have in common will be appreciated more than non-insightful ones.

  4. Originality: Entries which are blatantly obvious based on Frank Herbert’s originals will not be appreciated (e.g., Baptismal Cosmotheists of Vulcan). Syncretisms with interesting combinations of traits will be greatly appreciated.

  5. If the judges like it, it’s good. If they don’t like it, it’s bad.
Tell your friends about the contest! Spread the news!

Disclaimer: This contest is not associated in any way, shape, or form with Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson. We don’t have any money, so there is no point in suing us.

Moving right along, today’s weird thing is something from Emily’s collection, included below. Enjoy.


Work VS. Prison!

IN PRISON you spend the majority of your time in an 8X10 cell.
AT WORK you spend most of your time in a 6X8 cubicle.

IN PRISON you get three meals a day (free).
AT WORK you only get a break for one meal and you have to pay for it yourself.

IN PRISON you get time off for good behavior.
AT WORK you get rewarded for good behavior with more WORK.

IN PRISON a guard locks and unlocks the doors for you.
AT WORK you must carry around a security card and unlock all the doors yourself.

IN PRISON you can watch TV and play games.
AT WORK you get fired for watching TV and playing games.

IN PRISON you get your own toilet.
AT WORK you have to share.

IN PRISON they allow your family and friends to visit.
AT WORK you can not even speak to your family and friends.

IN PRISON all expenses are paid by taxpayers with no work at all.
AT WORK you get to pay all the expenses to go to work and then they deduct taxes from your salary to pay for the prisoners.

IN PRISON you spend most of your life looking through the bars from the inside wanting to get out.
AT WORK you spend most of your time wanting to get out and go inside bars.


bobby awesome said...

my entree

church of buttkicking

we find losers like u n kick their butts!!! we go around n collect money 4 the poor n then we keep it coz u were stupid 2 give it 2 us morons!!!! n we have 2 get ta2s coz thats cool!!!! n aarons the devil

Anonymous said...

Check rule 8, Bobby. "All entries must be received via E-mail before the first day of Hanukkah (sundown, 25 December 2005). Entries received as comments on the blog will not be accepted."

(The gang and I sent in "Hippopotamology".)

Anonymous said...

Here are my submissions:

Sisters of Smacking Kids on the Knuckles with Rulers
The Pedophilic Priesthood of Geidi Prime
Our Lady of Thought Police Convent
The Elders of Zion Galactic Conspiracy
Union of Orthodox Jewish Sticks in the Mud
Church of Fogies Who Know Better than You
Union of Conservative Churches for Supressing Love and Joy
Ministry of the Few not Damned to Hellfire
Liberal Bleeding Hearts for Promoting Immorality
The Christian Identity Church for Eliminating Other Identities
The Church of Phonies Pretending to Give a Damn
The Pervasive Satanic Torture Cult
The Teleholographic Ministers for Filling Their Own Pockets
The Naked Hippie Weed-Smoking Religion
The African Methodist Episcopal Church of Blaming It on the Man
Neo-Farrakhanists for Killing Whitey
Kloranic Honkey Faithful for Keeping the Brothers Down
The Self-Hating Loser Church for Loving Everyone except Caucasian Gallach Speakers
The White Kaitainian Protestant Church of Old Money
The Eco-Feminist Nutbag Coven
The Oligarchic Church of Compassionate Lip Service
The Pink Assembly for Yoni Worship and Man-Hating
The Green Temple for an Impoverished Universe and Regularity
The Church of Tree Hugging
The Nouveau Artisitc Church of the Unemployed
Muslim Fundameltalists for Appropriate Mistreatment of Dhimmis
Mosque of Peace, Love, and Slaughtering the Dar al-Harb
Muslims for Converting or Killing All Infidels
Society for Tolerance of Homicidal Religious Extremists out to Dominate Us
The Gothic Church of Pseudovampiric Bad Dancers
The Punk Temple of Inappropriately Directed Anger
Emo Freaks for Pretentiousness
The Delusional Brotherhood for Allowing Things That Make God Mad
The Fascist Church for Making Everyone Else like Us
The Permissive Church of Venereal Afflictions
The Ostrich Cult for Not Preventing Teen Pregnancy and Drug Use
The Liberal Idiotic Assembly for Not Taking Responsibility
The Right Wing Order for Blaming Evil on the Poor
Associated Churches for Raping and Pillaging the Environment
True Believers of Infinite Availability of Finite Resources
Vegan Church of Blandness
Ultramoral Prolifers Against Effective Disease Prevention and Birth Control
United Church for Kindness to Animals and Cruelty to Humans
People for the Ethical Treatment of Shai-Hulud
Temple of Cold-Hearted Brutes for Exploting Harmless Creatures
Covens Just Saying No to Melange
Union of Christians Against Empirically Substantiated Conjecture
The Chauvinist Assembly of Real Christian Men
Brotherhood of Salvation Through Riches

Rupert Hippo said...

I forgot to check whether E-mailing is possible from a post’s own page. I therefore rescind the “E-mail only” rule and will accept comments as valid submissions.

Anonymous said...

The Wile E. Coyote Church of the Supergenius

Anonymous said...

The Robotic Church of the Three Laws
Mosque of the Necronomicon
Satanists for the Satanic Verses
Missionary Nuclear Church of Trantor
Jedi-Knight Wannabes of Old Earth
Annoying Sith Wannabe Kids Living Next Door
Followers of the Living Force
Shekhinah's Witnesses
The Church of Garp
The Cryptochristian Assembly of Aslan
Lame Walking Stereotypes for Tash
Truth-Seeking Space Robots Shooting Microwaves at Earth
Passionate Followers of Ozma-Dorothy 'Shipping
Metrosexual Church of Great Hair
Concerned Men Actively Seeking Succubi
Star-Spangled Banner Worshippers for Conformity
The Church of the Mad Prophet of the Airways
Eastasians for Ingsoc
Druze for Jesus
The Spotsylvanian Orthodox Church of Moose and Squirrel
Church of the Magi for Undercommunicative People
The Knights Templar Who Say "Ni!"
The London Diocese Church Police
The Dalek Temple of the Holy Extermination
The Tuck Monastery for Prosocial Antisocial Behavior

Anonymous said...

I believe that's the Pottsylvanian Orthodox Church of Moose and Squirrel.

Anonymous said...

Church of Hippopotamus Sacrifice
The Hippocidal Religion
The Hippopotamus Endhimmitudinators
People Eating Tasty Hippos (with God's Blessing)
Halal Hippo Meat Dealers
Miracle Church of the Divine Talking Hippopotamus Hallucinations
Horus Worshippers Against Set and Hippos
Holy Hippo Slaughters of St. George

Rupert Hippo said...

The hippos are fictional characters, just like Bobby Awesome.

Anonymous said...

Actually, Aaron is a fictional character and Bobby Awesome is real. Rupert Hippo, of course, is really an avatar of the creator of the universe, that is, the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

The Central Perk Monastic Order of Insipidity
Sisters of St. Eligius
Faithful of the Holy Olsen Twins
Open-Door Convent of St. Samantha of Cosmopolitans
The Cabal of Madonna
The Judaeomasonic Conspiracy of the Man, Inc.
McReligion for Fast and Easy Salvation
Microsoft Faith v. 1.2 (Windows only)

Anonymous said...

Druidism, Reformed (they're allowed to pray at bushes)

Anonymous said...

The Holy Hierarchy of Heretics

Anonymous said...

The Gypsy Voodoo Church of Shaboom (according to which spam is the work of the Devil)