Monday, June 11, 2007

‪כ״ה סיון תשס״ז * 11 June 2007: Swimming Pool Day/Queen’s Birthday


And now for the fake news: Due to warming of the Arctic, Santa Claus has decided relocate to Jamaica.

Today’s news and commentary:Today’s weird thing is “Did the Earth Move for You?”. Enjoy and share the weirdness.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The first link mentions an audio version of the Bible with Samuel L. Jackson as God. Some quotes from that version:

"Eat not thou of the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil lest I smite thine a**!"

"Vanity of vanities, it's all bunch of f***ing s***!"

"I have had it with these motherf***ing sinners on this motherf***ing planet!"