Monday, October 31, 2005

28 Tishri 5766/31 October 2005: Halloween


Request: Does anyone out there have any good ’ethrogh (citron) recipes? I would like to eat mine rather than let it go bad, and I have been informed that the rind is too bitter to turn into sponge cake. Thanks in advance. (And no, I am not making a “Mr. Citron-Head”.)

Neologism of the day: “Oyful”, a term I invented to describe someone who kept saying “Oy!” an anomalously large number of times within a few minutes.

Today’s weird thing is an example of the silly things people do for Halloween, iAttire. Enjoy.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Some ideas for you:

1) Citronade
2) Citron Margaritas
3) Citron Drops
4) Tea with Citron and Sugar
5) Substitute the rind for lemon rind in cookie recipes
6) Candied Citron (mentioned in CANDIDE)
7) Eat it raw!