Thursday, April 29, 2010

Do not beware of cow tippers


Jewish date:  15 ’Iyyar 5770 (Parashath ’Emor).

Today’s quasi-holidays:   International Dance DayDuke Ellington Day, Poem in Your Pocket Day.

Worthy causes of the day:  “Break Goldman Sachs' Republican filibuster”, “Save BioGems: Take Action: Protect Yellowstone's Wild Buffalo”, “Heart Disease and Stroke. You’re the Cure.”, “Save Funding for Interstitial Cystitis - The Petition Site”, “Take Action:  Stand Against Racism”, “Ask Eric Holder to block Arizona's racist law”, “  Stop Racial Profiling:  Tell Arizona's Governor that SB 1070 is wrong”, and “Don't let big banks gamble away our money! | Progressive Change Campaign Committee”.

Today’s news and commentary:
A tipped cow. Taken near the Cliffs of Moher i...Image via Wikipedia
Today’s weird thing is cow tipping.  Apparently it is a lot more legend than reality, with it being physically impossible for a single human being to accomplish.  Two humans might be able to tip over a rigid cow, but since cows are not rigid, four would actually be necessary.  Someone even went to the trouble of creating a diagram with calculations of the physics relevant to tipping over a cow.  Enjoy, share the weirdness, and rest assured that your cows are safe.


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