Thursday, May 19, 2005

Weird thing of the day 19 May 2005/10 'Iyyar 5765 (Day 25 of the `Omer/Revenge of the Sith Sick-Out Day/Bike to Work Day)


Multi-calendar system capability in Mac OS X 10.4 update: I was wrong; not all the system-generated dates on my computer are now from the Hebrew calendar. I've discovered a few Gregorian dates tucked away here and there. Dashboard’s Calendar widget mixes the two systems up; it generates the numerical form of the dates from the Gregorian calendar, but takes the names of the months from the Jewish calendar. I have to get around to writing a bug report.

Weird holidays weirdness: Today is Bike to Work Day, but Saturday is National Bike to Work Day. Not sure how that happened.

Today is Star Wars, Episode III: Revenge of the Sith Sickout Day. Said movie is in theaters, and lots of people are making excuses to not go to work and see the film instead. (“Sorry, boss. I was delayed a few hours because my bicycle kept getting flat tires.”)

Tie-in worthy cause of the day: MoveOn PAC is drawing interesting parallels between the movie of the day and the situation in Washington in their latest campaign. You definitely need to see this.

Today’s weird thing was going to be this magnificent essay R2D2 promised to write for me. However, it turned out to be titled “Boop boop blip gurgle gurgle whir wow”. All 300 pages of it were also in his native language, and I have not been able to get back in contact with him or his counterpart C3P0, because they are too busy promoting the movie, so I have absolutely no idea what the essay is about and will not for some time. As such, you’ll have to settle for the articles “Death Star to Open Day Care Center” and “How Lightsabers Work”. Enjoy.



Anonymous said...

I find your lack of faith in the American worker disturbing. If one of my troops called out sick to watch a movie, he would have to answer to me. I seldom have such troubles.

Anonymous said...

Lord Vader,

I sincerely apologize, but due to a bleeding ulcer, I am afraid I must leave my post early to sepishgps 9-429-423..,/m653o;ij3 NO CARRIER

Anonymous said...

You are as obvious as you are stupid.

Anonymous said...

Lord Vader, release him! The Emperor has no wish to see executions on the message boards yet.