Sunday, May 22, 2005

Weird thing of the day 22 May 2005/13 'Iyyar 5765 (Day 28 of the `Omer/Buy-A-Musical Instrument Day)


I was thinking of making today’s weird thing the article “Heel thyself”, but then I realized that I knew of something relevant to today’s weird holiday: the song “Biostat Division Blues” (lyrics and music). Enjoy or be confused or something.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The connection between schizophrenia and footwear with heels is rather shaky‭. ‬Although there has been a lot of work on schizophrenia‭, ‬how the known neurophysiological deficits relate to schizophrenic behavior is not well understood‭. (‬Translation‭: ‬We do not understand how the nervous system works terribly well‭. ‬Hence we do not understand why things go wrong with the nervous system terribly well either‭.) ‬The explanation given sounded like highly speculative and I would not put much stock in it without a considerable amount of supporting evidence‭. ‬Despite the reasons for supposing there was a connection‭, ‬the support was weak and subject to alternate‭, ‬often more plausible explanations‭ (‬e.g‭., ‬upper classes seem to be affected by schizophrenia first because historically much more is recorded about the upper classes than everyone else‭).‬