Thursday, February 19, 2009

25 Shevaṭ 5769: Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day


Worthy cause of the day: “Save Sea Turtles from Reckless Fishing Practices”.

Relevant to Divine Misconceptions:  “Anti-abortion measure says fertilized egg is human”: The title of the article gets it wrong. Nobody with any sense denies that a fertilized egg produced by a human man and woman is human and unless it dies or is destroyed, it is alive. The House in North Dakota has approved a bill proclaiming that a human fertilized egg has all the rights of a full-fledged human. Needless to say, this creates some very sticky legal problems, is in conflict with the legal right to an abortion, and (as previously noted) is in conflict with the Hebrew Bible.

Today’s news and commentary:
Today’s weird thing is “The Agreeable Cat”, which is the most creative way so far I have heard of dealing with end-user license agreements. Enjoy and share the weirdness.


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