Thursday, August 18, 2005

13 'Av 5765/18 August 2005: "Build your TV!"


Political update: If you have been paying attention to the news, you are probably aware that “disengagement” is going on in Gaza. The reactions of Israelis range the gamut from resigned acceptance to violence (another person cracked and murdered a few Arabs). Israeli soldiers seem to be getting flack which they do not deserve. (“Disengangement” was not their idea, and Sharon has put them in a lose-lose situation.) The reactions of the Stateless Arabs (“Palestinians”) are inappropriate rejoicing and calls for more terrorism. (Everyone with any intelligence who expected a retreat not to give the Stateless Arabs the message that terrorism works, stand on your heads.) You can read a lot about the whole mess in the Jerusalem Post.

Today’s weird thing is the article “Build your TV!”. Enjoy.



Anonymous said...

Dayorder: After making a agree with Kaysar that let her become Head of Household by making two of her teammates pawns and backdooring James, Jennifer instead put up two of Kaysar's teammates and then backdoored him. Kaysar was evicted in a doubleplusungood unvictory for Oceania and Ingsoc. However, goodwise this is a double-eviction week, and in competition Janelle victoried over the Eastasian team to become Head of Household, nowwise nominating the blackwhiting ownlifer Jennifer and her teammate Maggie for eviction. Even if there is a competition and one of them is unnominated, Janelle will nominate another Eastasian. Crimespeaking, Jennifer and her sexcriming teammates are doubleplusungooder than even James, the last remaining member of the Eurasian team, and has earned time in joycamp eating peanut butter and jelly. All Oceanians will avoid the prolefeed on other channels and watch the victory over Eastasia this weekend. Go Team Oceania!

Anonymous said...

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