Friday, August 12, 2005

7 'Av 5765/12 August 2005: Erewhon


Nine Days information:Notable commentary:Today’s substitute weird thing is Samuel Butler’s Erewhon. This is a semi-dystopic story about a country in which people do and believe insane things—which if one thinks hard enough are recognizably just the logical conclusions of insane things people in our own society do and believe. (The worst dystopia is being saved for Sunday, the Ninth of ’Av.) Go ponder, and Shabbath shalom.



Anonymous said...

Dayorder: Such blackwhiteful prolefeed as this undefinitive edition Erewhon is ungooder than Neobol or Diewor, and reading it will make Outpartiers crimethinkful, or at least give them head pains. Good Oceanians will only read the definitive edition published by Minitrue. The same goes for the other political malwrites 4930 Adelman A. gives, which are crimethinkful and doubelplusunsmart. Meanwhile, you will read other Ingsocful writes, such as and .

Anonymous said...

Dayorder: Such blackwhiteful prolefeed as this undefinitive edition Erewhon is ungooder than Neobol or Diewor, and reading it will make Outpartiers crimethinkful, or at least give them head pains. Good Oceanians will only read the definitive edition published by Minitrue. The same goes for the other political malwrites 4930 Adelman A. gives, which are crimethinkful and doubelplusunsmart. Meanwhile, you will read other Ingsocful writes, such as .

Rupert Hippo said...

If you're so perfect, how come you posted the same comment twice and made HTML blunders in both?

Anonymous said...

It was posted only once and there are no blunders.