Sunday, August 7, 2005

2 'Av 5765/7 August 2005: Sea Serpent Day/Hamburger Day


Political updates: Today’s substitute for a weird thing is Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World, a classic dystopian science-fiction novel. Further dystopian visions will be appearing later this week. This is the relatively benign one, the vision being of a caste-stratified society where people are controlled by brainwashing and keeping everyone happy. One interesting feature of this society is that the natural human life cycle we are familiar with has been done away with, being replaced with a factory system. Babies are grown in jars and raised for specific jobs from conception by specialists; there are no marriages or families. Furthermore, embryos are routinely cloned. Some of the material is clearly dated (e.g., Freudianism), but much of it is still plausible. Go ponder.



Anonymous said...

It is crimethinkful you would suggest reading Brave New World. It is unfree of ownlifers who sexcrime doubleplusoften when they would be Ingsocful. You will be taken to joycamp immediately, you ungood duckspeaking unbellyfeeler.

Dayorder: All good citizens will vote Kaysar back into the house.

Anonymous said...

Dude, you're just sore 'cause someone decided to throw a surprise party for the Thought Police and didn't invite you. Lighten up.

Also: Isn't "vote" an unNewspeakful word?

Anonymous said...

Not when it's the only option. (How could there be any other?)

Stop being contrary to Ingsoc or you too will go to joycamp, where you will only eat peanut butter and jelly.

Anonymous said...

Peanut butter and jelly? That's a step up from the usual tasteless fare that members of the Outer Party get. Are you borrowing from Brave New World, or have you figured out how to make peanut butter and jelly tasteless?

Anonymous said...

For the ignoramus above, on the programme named after Big Brother, contestants are only given peanut butter and jelly sandwiches to eat. Needless to say, regardless of how good said peanut butter and jelly is, it gets tired after a few days. The contestants must then put themselves through various contests to earn different foods. Needless to say, the Party has never put out tasteless foods, all foods being of the highest quality.

Anonymous said...

The comments are getting too weird. Can I get recanted now?