Sunday, May 3, 2009

Beware of eBay


Jewish date: 9 ’Iyyar 5769.

Today’s holidays: Day 24 of the ‘Omer, Fourth Sunday of Easter.

Today’s quasi-holidays: World Press Freedom Day, National Two Different Colored Shoes Day.

Worthy cause of the day: “Tell Congress to stop coal companies from using mountain streams as waste dumps.”

Relevant to Divine Misconceptions:
  1. Very sensible:  “Worship sites seek to keep the faithful flu-free”.
  2. Very disturbing: “Commission Names 13 Countries as Religious Freedom Violators”, “Taliban demolishes 11 homes of Sikh community”
  3. Very incoherent and paranoid: “Swine Flu: God's Mercy Running Raw”: It should go without saying that saying known lies about someone, such as claiming that Barack Obama is a Muslim, and making serious accusations without the least shred of evidence is itself a dialectic faux pas. A good argument cannot be built on false premises. However, claiming that Obama is “Marxist Muslim”, a combination which is inherently contradictory, is an insult to both Obama’s intelligence and the reader’s.
  4. Yet another incidence of extralegal witchcraft paranoia: “Couple killed over witchcraft claims”. Remember: never kill anyone extralegally in a non-emergency situation! You may kill someone innocent. When was a trial where anyone was proved to have committed magic? When was it proved that the magic actually could hurt anyone? When was it proved that any magic actually hurt anyone?
  5. Very embarrassing to the wrong people: “Inside the cult, scientology”:

  6. Very paranoid and foolish: “Religious sect slams brakes on anti-polio drive”.
Today’s news and commentary:
Today’s weird thing is “Packages”.

Enjoy and share the weirdness.


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