Sunday, May 10, 2009



Jewish date:  16 ’Iyyar 5769.

Today’s holidays:  Day 31 of the ‘Omer, Fifth Sunday of Easter.

Today’s quasi-holidays:  Mother’s Day, Golden Spike Day.

Worthy causes of the day:  “Support the EPA's Stand Against Big Oil and Coal” and The Big Read.

Relevant to Divine Misconceptions:
  1. “Witch hunts, murder and evil in Papua New Guinea”:  This is indecent:  people being killed with neither trial nor even a solid basis for believing they are an imminent danger to anyone else.  And the government is not putting the resources into stopping this travesty of justice.
  2. More governmental religious intolerance:  “Devout Hindu loses cremation bid” and “Somalia: Kenyan Pastor Beaten At Somaliland Border”.
  3. This looks like an attempt to defuse free publicity for Angels and Demons before it happens:  “Demons 'harmless', says Vatican”.
  4. Archbishop says Obama advancing anti-life agenda”:  With all respect due to Archbishop Raymond Burke, never has there been a truly “anti-life” or “anti-family” politician.  When was the last time anyone saw a politician give a speech praising abortion or condemning families?  We are all entitled to our own opinions, but not to dictate the opinions of other people.
  5. Commandments bill passes”:  The Capitol of Oklahoma is getting a Ten Commandments monument.  Critics are right in condemning this as a violation of separation of church and state.
Today’s news and commentary:
Today’s weird thing is “Dalek Invasion Of Oz 1939”. Enjoy, share the weirdness, and EXTERMINATE!


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