Thursday, May 7, 2009

Beware of time travelers


Jewish date: 13 ’Iyyar 5769.

Today’s holidays: Day 28 of the ‘Omer, Thursday of the Fourth Week of Easter.

Today’s quasi-holiday: International Tuba Day.

Worthy causes of the day: “Support The Historic Bill to End Canada's Commercial Seal Hunt”, “Senate: Vote YES for Credit Card Reform!”, “Shell: Stop Gas Flaring Now!”, and “Protect Yellowstone's Newborn Buffalo.”

Relevant to Divine Misconceptions:
  1. Turkish novelist on trial for insulting Islam: More Islamic intolerance, this time author Nedim Gürsel’s The Daughters of Allah being accused of blasphemy. One would think that after The Satanic Verses that Muslims would learn that raising a huge fuss over a book is free publicity... That latter book is so bad that if it was not for the fatwa against it, few people would have bothered reading it. I wish Gürsel great prosperity at the expense of his government’s intolerance stupidity.
  2. 10 Worst Countries to be a Blogger: Guess who’s on it?
Today’s news and commentary:
For today’s weird thing, in honor of the Time Traveler Convention, you can have a recap of “Grandfather Paradox” or enjoy the official site of The Time Travelers Convention: A New Musical. Enjoy and share the weirdness.


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