Jewish date: 8 Siwan 5769.
Today’s holidays: Pentecost Sunday (Western Christian), Feast Day of Alphonse Louis Constant.
Today’s quasi-holidays: Speak in Complete Sentences Day, World No Tobacco Day.
Worthy causes of the day: “Ask Kerry to hold a hearing on Sudan”, “Arctic Refuge Threatened by New Drilling Proposal”, “Don't Let the Insurance Industry Dictate Health Care Reform!”, and “Reduce the Military's Carbon Bootprint!”
Relevant to Divine Misconceptions:
- “Actually that iz a commun”:
Yes, this is most definitely a joke. However, I am still fuzzy on the origin of this notion of “harvesting souls”.
- “Twilight series spawns religion: Edward Cullen is real, members should read the books like a Bible”: This is also a joke (probably). I am not clear on what the point of a parody/joke religion based on a series of novels about vampires is, especially when it takes the position that the novels are an accurate depiction of reality, yet deifies characters who are merely human or vampire. For an example of a parody religion which actually makes sense, please see the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, the purpose of which is to expose the sloppy thinking and dishonest tactics of creationism. Remember, creators of parody religions, self-consistency and a clear goal count.
- “Trouble Brewing for AIG and Federal Government; Challenge of AIG Bailout Allowed to Proceed”: Here we have a clear problem of separation of church and state, not to mention aiding and abetting the enemy. AIG, which has received government bailout money, is into shari‘a-compliant financing, which involves giving to Muslim causes—including funding terrorism.
- “Is Organic Really Better?”
- “Discovery: Even Tiny Stars Have Planets”
- “Genetic survey finds healthy human skin is crawling with bacteria”
- “Science And The Game Of 20 Questions”
- “Doing thyme: OH inmates growing food to save money”
- “Pentagon: Ex-Gitmo detainees turning to terrorism on rise”
- “Human Speech Genes Mimicked in Mice”
- “Adbusters' Spurious Gaza/Warsaw Ghetto Comparison”